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Commvault Cleanroom Recovery

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As I kid, we always thought that the boogieman was lurking in the dark and under our bed, now days we have a boogieman lurking in the cyber world. That boogeyman is just waiting to pounce on your precious data and wreak havoc on your digital world. In a serous manner we all know that cyberattacks are a lot like those monsters under your bed, they are everywhere, and is not something that is going away anytime soon! In reality I imagine this will only get worse over time as technology increases.

Now that we are on the journey of the boogieman lets imagine that there is a world that you can not only recover from cyberattacks as if you were a ninja, but also test your recover plan beforehand, and validate it actually works when the boogieman comes knocking. Commvault’s Cleanroom Recovery isn’t just some fancy buzzword, it’s really a secret weapon to enable your company to recover from an incident. It will help you lesson downtime, financial losses, and the reputation damage that comes with these incidents.

Cleanroom Recovery is not just about throwing a band-aid on your cyber wounds, its about getting to the root of the problem. It has built in forensic analysis capabilities, and helps you dissect those infected systems like a cyber surgeon trying to identify exactly how the boogieman snuck in and gives you the knowledge to prevent future attacks. I know you are thinking, that testing cyber recovery plans are a huge pain, but this is where Cleanroom Recovery shines the brightest. The days of tedious tabletop and whiteboard exercises to try to estimate the cyber chaos are over, Cleanroom Recovery provides s safe haven for testing your plans without disrupting your production systems saving you time and money, and maybe a few gray hairs. Oh, wait who am I kidding those are still going to happen.

Cyber Testing, lets not forget about this. In today’s world where world wide rules mandate different mandates and compliance frameworks govern us all. Cyber testing is the ticket to staying one step ahead of the cyber boogieman. Doing continuous testing of your recovery approach will help you avoid those hefty fines and allow you to sleep easier at night knowing your prepared for what ever comes your way.

So there you have it, in todays world where failure is not an option, Commvault’s Clean Room Recovery and Cyber Testing are your trusty sidekicks in the fight those cyber boogieman lurking in the dark.

If you would like more info, please check out the Commvault’s Cleanroom Recovery page, and this page also.
Why Cleanroom Recovery and Cyber Testing are Critical for Cyber Resilience | Commvault

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While the opinions in this article are my own and are not related to the company I currently work for. This blog post was sponsored.

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About the author

Hi! My name is Chris Hildebrandt, I’m a EUC consultant by day, and automation junkie at night. I have worked my way from being small customer to enterprise side customer, with a recent transition into consulting. I enjoy everything EUC focused and more so on how to automate it. I like to find ways to make mine and your jobs easier with automation.